Spotted danio

Tüpfelbärbling (Danio nigrofasciatus )

The Tüpfelbärbling (Danio nigrofasciatus ( = schwarzgebändert ) Syn: Brachydanio nigrofasciatus ) is a small carp fish which is found in rivers and small standing waters in northern Burma.


The Tüpfelbärbling has an elongated, but not quite as slim body like the other species of the genus, reaching a maximum length of 4 cm. Females are dull colored than the males, are fuller and are slightly larger.

The base color of the fish is olive or light brown. A gold-colored longitudinal line that is blue lined top and bottom begins behind the gill cover and extend up to the middle of the caudal fin rays. Below the line of Tüpfelbärbling is blue spotted (name ). The belly is yellowish white. The fins are yellowish to light brown, dorsal and anal fin with light hem, the anal fin with short blue dashes. The mouth is slightly upper constant. It is flanked by two pairs of barbels.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal 2/7, Anal 2/11, pectoral 15, ventral 7
  • Dandruff formula: MLR 28-32.

Way of life

Tüpfelbärblinge live as a school of fish in small flowing and standing waters. It is frequent and mainly the surface close to and feed on insects that have fallen onto the water surface, and zooplankton.

Hunting and

The Tüpfelbärbling is not as commonly kept as the zebrafish and the Schillerbärbling. He is requiring heat than its relatives.
