Squat toilet

As a squat toilet ( also coll Hockklo, sometimes urinal ) is called a toilet that requires a squatting position for defecation. There are several versions of a squat toilet:

  • Variant in which the user looks towards the entrance of the toilet. This type of squat toilet is spread throughout the Islamic world, particularly in Central Asia, Arabia, Southeast Asia, China and Turkey, even in private homes. In India, it is also common, where it is called IWC ( Indian toilet), to distinguish it from the European Sitzklo EWC. In Europe, the Mediterranean squatting toilets can be found in public toilets in Southern Europe, in France and in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe. In Arabia, this toilet is usually equipped with a lateral water inflow, but at least with a water jug or a bucket of water. This water is used to clean the genitals and - with simple toilets - also for rinsing. The faeces are collected in a holding tank located underground, pumped out periodically and composted. Why should reach into the drain in such toilets no toilet paper. For used toilet paper usually are available paper bins.
  • Japanese squat toilets have a different shape, and the user looks toward the back wall of the toilet.


  • There is no contact between the user's skin and potentially dirty surfaces, such as the toilet seat.
  • Hock toilets are easier to clean and maintain, and they are rarely the target of vandalism.
  • The simple design squatting toilets are cheaper to buy.


  • People who can not squat deep enough due to lack of mobility, find any relaxed body posture and in need " skier squat " or half standing defecate.
  • If you have problems with balance, you can slip and fall. In the Japanese Version of this risk is much lower, because the inlet tube can be used for holding.
  • People who suffer from knee osteoarthritis, have particular difficulties in using the toilet.
  • People who are inexperienced in the use of the toilet dirty very often.
  • People with disabilities - such as wheelchair users or people with walking aids - can not use the toilet.
  • Upload through the uncomfortable position less to linger, creating the risk that an attempt is made by the user to speed up the stool by excessive pressing, which may result in injury.
  • In diarrheal disease as well as in various urinary symptoms, it may be disadvantageous to have to stoop low.
  • Additionally, it may in diarrhea even with " experienced " users to pollution of the clothes ( shoes, pants / dress, underwear) perform as well as the toilet itself around by squirting feces.


When David Černý symbolized for his artwork " Entropa " Bulgaria with a collage of Turkish squat toilets, the Bulgarian government insisted on removal of this presentation.
