St. Rochus Cemetery, Nuremberg

The Rochus cemetery is a cemetery in the district of Nuremberg Gostenhof. The chapel at the cemetery comes from Hans Beheim the Elder.

In the cemetery are among others the graves of Peter Vischer the Elder and Johann Pachelbel.

The Rochusfriedhof arose as a result of the Black Death plague cemetery 1517/18. For hygienic reasons, the cemetery instead of the former inner-city cemetery was applied at St. Lawrence outside the built-up urban area in the vicinity of the village Gostenhof. Similarly, the cemetery of St. Sebald was moved to John.

In 1518, the cemetery was fenced by a sandstone wall. The consecration finally took place on 21 March 1519. The Rochus chapel in the new cemetery was built in 1520/21 by the patrician family Imhoff.
