St. Trinity-Church in Strzelno

The parish church of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary's is a church in the city Strzelno in powiat Mogileński the Kujawsko - Pomerania.

Architecture and Architectural History

The church was consecrated in 1216. The Holy Trinity Church is a three-aisled basilica with transept and apse. At the chancel two chapels were added in the 15th century, the southern St. Barbara chapel was extended. To the east of the church was originally equipped with two round towers. The foundation of the North Tower remained visible outside the church. The nave is of a stellar vault, the aisles are spanned by ribbed vaults.

In the 18th century the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style, was given a new facade and interior, while the original Romanesque appearance has been defaced. The Baroque façade from the first half of the 18th century is flanked by two baroque towers with helmet roofs.

During the renovation of the church in 1946 six Romanesque columns were freed from the Baroque Walling. The seventh column has not yet been revealed.

The column shafts are decorated with rich figurative bas-reliefs. Columns of this type there are in addition Strzelno only in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. Their origin dates back to the second half of the 12th century or early 13th century.

A Romanesque Gründungstympanon with figures of St. Anne, the Virgin Mary, nor the babe Above the entrance to the St. Barbara's Chapel on the south side of entertaining, and the kneeling figures of the founder Piotr Wszeborowic with the model of the church and a woman with a book in her hands. Below are the blessing hand of God is shown. Along the upper edge of the tympanum runs the Latin inscription: "TE VELVT OPTARAT HOC DONO PETRVS HONORAT Virginis ANNA MARIE PIE MATER Venerable " ( " Anna, venerable mother of the pious Virgin Mary, with this gift honors you Peter, who is formerly the desired ").

The Verkündigungstympanon was found during the renovations. It is located in the lapidary in the monastery building. In the center is the figure of the Virgin Mary with obedience gesture, the right of the Archangel Gabriel, who points to the dove over the head of Mary, left the tree of life.

The tympanum of the north portal in three leaf shape has arisen in the 13th century. It represents the Maiestas Domini is - framed Christ enthroned with a held by two figures of angels mandorla. Below animal -headed figures of the Evangelists - St. Luke and St. Mark displayed.

The five green-painted baroque confessionals (1741 ) show images from the Bible story with Polish inscriptions.


Adam Miłobędzki: Architecture of Poland: Chapter of European cultural heritage, general curator of the Republic of Poland, 1998, ISBN 8385739599
