Stack Overflow (Website)

(June 2013)

Stack Overflow is a site to ask questions about different aspects of the topic computer programming on the logged in user. Other users can then provide answers to these questions. The questions asked and the answers given are on StackOverflow for viewing without registration for everyone. The content posted by users are available under the Creative Commons license " Attribution Share Alike ". StackOverflow is the origin and largest side of the Stack Exchange network, which now includes many different question-answering websites.

The given answers can be rated by users, thereby achieving that good answers to the question are still displayed above. In addition, the questioner has the ability to characterize a given answer as the best solution to his problem. Users Earning reputation points ( reputation points ) to provide an estimate for the quality of their contributions. Such points you earn, for example, if a given response is evaluated as well.

StackOverflow has over 2 million registered users and over 6 million asked questions. Based on the tags that are assigned to the questions, the most common topics C #, Java, PHP and JavaScript (as of June 13, 2013).
