
A stamnos (plural stamnoi ) was a thick bulbous, the amphora -like storage vessel in ancient Greece. Stamnoi had a short neck and side two horizontal handles on the vessel body. The container for storage of wine, oil and other liquids was probably developed in the Archaic period in Laconia or Etruria. Typical was a lid on the vessel. In Greek inscriptions known today as Pelike vessel was labeled with stamnos, yet has now been widely accepted the assignment described in archeology. In Athens, the stamnos was introduced around 530 BC and produced almost exclusively for export to Etruria. Today, almost 400 stamnoi are obtained.

On red-figure vase paintings of stamnos is presented as an important vessel during the Dionysian festivals woman. Hence also the name Lenäenvasen. Use in the Attic cults is questionable, not least because of the nichtattischen origin.
