Stapleford, Zimbabwe

Stapleford is a village in the province of Manicaland in Zimbabwe. The place is located about 35 km north of the provincial capital of Mutare in the south of Honde Valley. Stapleford is the heart of local wood processing and location of a sawmill. From here, the forest area of about 1,400 ha comprehensive Stapleford Forest is managed by the State Forestry Authority of Zimbabwe and private investors. The town was founded in 1920, the sawmill in 1940 put into operation.

Stapleford Forest

The Stapleford Forest covers about 1,400 acres northeast of the village of Stapleford on the border of Zimbabwe to Mozambique. The mountainous area is covered by mountains Mount Kuwunsau, Mount Nuza, Mount Rupere, Mount Inhamuriro to the west and Mount Gorungue in the east. The Rupere forms the watershed of the rivers in southwestern Odzani - and Nyamawharara in a northeasterly direction. The growth of the mountain forest is composed of plants of the genus Syzygium and at lower altitudes Podocarpus. On the often interspersed grassy plains and wooded areas thinner to find carob plants of the genus Brachystegia, in the east of the forest area are gold plum plants, Khaya and find the watercourses Redness of the genus Breonadia.
