Starmind International

Starmind International is a software company with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. The Starmind technology aims to increase the productivity of companies by know-how is made available internally. Starmind is brought based on Brain Technology in conjunction with new know-how management.


Starmind provides self-learning know-how networks for companies. Using principles of artificial intelligence analyzes an algorithm content and activity and directs questions automatically to experts within the company. Starmind can be accessed via the web browser and on smart phones and so provides organizations with in-house expertise in real-time ready. Within corporations are for Starmind terms such as " The Brain ", " ask the brain" or "Company brain " are used.


Starmind was founded in 2010 by Pascal Kaufmann and Marc Vontobel at the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Zurich. The algorithm was programmed using neuroscientific findings and artificial intelligence research of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH) in Zurich and is based on the work of virtual brain tissue and self-learning neural networks. 2012 awarded Siemens Starmind the title "company to watch", which resulted in considerable media attention. 2013 Starmind for several Swiss and international prices was nominated. On 12 November 2013, the Starmind International AG has won the prestigious Swiss ICT Award in the category Newcomer ..
