Staubbach Falls

The Staubbachfall is a 297 meter high waterfall in Switzerland, the water falls from the left flank of the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Bernese Oberland on the valley floor. Especially in combination with the thermal regularly occurring, the water is atomized in all directions, which has given the waterfall its name.

Open the case in the summer (about June to October) on a rock gallery. The rest of the time the access for falling ice and possible rockfall is locked.

The Staubbachfall is one of those waterfalls that form on the shoulders of the glacial trough valleys in the Alps. As a result of glacier pulp refiner during cold periods the high and steep rock were in fact first created in which the streams seem to disappear almost into nothingness. The Staubbachfall after Seerenbach Falls at Lake Walen (305 meters), the second highest waterfall in Switzerland.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was inspired by the dust stream and there wrote his " Song of the Spirits over the Waters ":

The soul of man Like the water: It comes from heaven, For heaven it rises, And down again To the earth, it must, Eternally fluctuating. Flows from the high, Steep cliff The pure beam, Falls softly Misty waves The smooth rock, And lightly received, Accepted, rolls, power rushing At the depth down. cliffs loom The fall meet, He foams angrily Stepwise To the abyss. In the flat bed He meanders through the meadow, And in the glassy lake Grazing her face All stars. Wind is the wave More lovely Buhler; Wind mixes from landed Foamy waves. Soul of man, How like the water! Destiny of man, How like the wind!
