Stefan Heinig

Jost- Stefan Heinig (* 1962 in Dortmund) is a shareholder of the company KiK textiles and non-food GmbH and was until the end of 2011 their manager.

Stefan Heinig is on the Dortmund company B. H. Holding GmbH, with 65 percent of TEDi, with 15 percent of KiK and beyond Woolworth ( Germany ) involved. Main shareholder of KiK is the company Tengelmann International GmbH from Mülheim an der Ruhr with 83.02 percent. With the company B. H. Holding GmbH is Heinig also active in the real estate business.


After College student was trained as a commercial assistant at the training center of retailing in Springe.


In the context of child labor and low wages paid to workers in the textile manufacturer factories around Bangladesh, Stefan Heinig has come as a responsible manager in the criticism. In addition, he is accused of being largely responsible for the prevention of works councils in the KiK - branches. He himself manifests itself publicly to any of the above criticisms.
