Stefan Schuster

Stefan Schuster ( born November 7, 1961) is a German biophysicist.


He studied biophysics at the Humboldt University of Berlin and received his doctorate in the laboratory of Reinhart Heinrich at the Institute for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt -Universität zu Berlin (Topic: Theoretical studies on the interrelation in between time hierarchy in enzymatic reaction system and optimization principles ). Since 2003 he is Professor of Bioinformatics at the Friedrich -Schiller- University Jena.

Stefan Schuster is next to Sebastian Böcker one of the two speakers of the Jena Centre for Bioinformatics (JCB ). He is also involved in various research projects, collaborations, to include the Virtual Liver Network as well as two projects in systems biology of aging GerontoSys ( Gerontoshield and JenAge ). He is also one of the editors of systems biology journal BioSystems.

His main research interests are:

  • Systems Biology
  • Elementary mode analysis ( metabolic pathway analysis)
  • Evolutionary game theory
  • Metabolic control analysis
  • Calcium oscillations

Stefan Schuster was instrumental in the establishment of the analysis of metabolic networks using elementary flux modes.

He is older brother of director Robert Schuster.
