Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu

The Stele of Anchefenchons in 1858 found in the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut by Auguste Mariette in an excavation at Deir el- Bahari.

The formerly located next to the coffins of the Month priest Anchefenchons and 680/70 BC dated stela dates from the 25th dynasty. It can be found under the issue number 9422 now in the Egyptian Museum (Cairo ).

The stele is made of wood and was covered with a kind of plaster. She is 51.5 inches high and 31 inches wide. On the front Anchefenchons is seen as a harbinger of Month. Across from him sits on a throne of the falcon-headed Re - Harachte, a form of the god Horus.

As a judge, he lets the dead, attempting to reach the western realm of the dead. It is Behedeti, depicted as a sun with a falcon's wings and Nut, the sky goddess, touching the ground with their feet and hands.

The stele is known as " Stele of Revelation " is a central element of the new religious movement founded by Aleister Crowley Thelema.


The hieroglyphs are shown here in laterally inverted order to facilitate the assignment of the translation.


Behedeti, the great God, Lord of Heaven

Re - Har -

Eighth, lord of the gods

Osiris, Priest of Montu, Lord of Thebes, Opener of the Gates of Heaven

Justified Karnak ankh -f -n- Khonsu

Words, spoken by Osiris, Priest of Montu, Lord of Thebes, Opener of the gates of heaven of Karnak Ankh -fn - Khonsu,

Justified: ' O Blessed One, may he be praised, the, great in power, the great spirit of high dignity

That appears on the throne of his size and the ways of the Ba opens, the Oh and the shadow, who received the light ( sun rays)

Is prepared. Prepare me the way to the place where Re, Tum, Khephra and Hathor dwell. I, the deceased ( Osiris ), Priest of Montu, Lord of Thebes,


Words, spoken by Osiris, Priest of Montu, lord of Thebes, Ankh -f -

N- Khonsu, justified. (O ) My heart of my mother (twice), (O) my heart while I linger

On earth, do not lift up, to bear witness against me, you ask not to meet me

The Tribunal, I was not hostile in the presence of the Great God, the Lord of the West,

Even if I have connected me ( yourself) to ground on the western side, the large (am) heaven, may I endure on earth,

Words spoken by Osiris, the clothing priests of Thebes, Ankh -fn - Khonsu justified. O Unique,

May the shining like the moon to show up Osiris, Ankh -f -

N- Khonsu, in your flock, so the outside world,

(O) Savior of those who are in the sunlight, is open to him

The underworld, indeed, Osiris Ankh -fn - Khonsu is to show up at the

Reception by Crowley and Thelema

The designation as " Stele of Revelation " given the stele of Anchefenchons in April 1904 by the occultist Aleister Crowley, who was inspired by Liber AL vel them to his Legis. According to this document they will be referred to by non- Thelemites as the " abomination of desolation ", Thelemites therefore use the title " Stele of Revelation."

In 1904, Crowley was with his wife Rose Kelly ( Soror Quarda ) in Cairo, who believed there to develop clairvoyant abilities. For invocations of the sylphs she fell into a trance and repeatedly shouted " they are waiting for you " and said that Horus " the waiting " angry about Crowley was because he refused to give his invocation. In Crowley's request that she should show him Horus, she led him then to the Egyptian Museum.

Crowley led under the guidance of Kelly through a ritual for the invocation of Horus. On April 7, Kelly told him that he should be in the next three days at 12 clock noon in his hotel room, which he been converted into a temple, not later. There Crowley wrote Liber Al vel Legis down the which he was dictated by its own account of Aiwaz.
