
The Iron Age cemetery of Stenehed is located about one kilometer south-west of Hällevadsholm, both sides of the Stenehedsvägen, in the Swedish municipality Munkedal in Bohuslän. The cemetery is not to be confused with the much larger stone ship Stenhed in Skåne.

The cemetery contains 45 prehistoric monuments, including low round hill with up to 20 meters in diameter, long hill of 10 meters, a stone circle, about 10 feet long, damaged stone ship ( get them are Steve stones and four other stones) and a stone row. The nine received menhirs of the series ( earlier there were eleven or more) the amount of sorted, 3.2 to 1.4 meters high and are available in two to six meters distance. Monoliths in series can be found sometimes on cemeteries in Bohuslän.
