
Sterch (Russian Стерх for Siberian Crane ) is the name of a new Russian satellite-based search and rescue system, which will take the place of the former Nadezhda system.

It is part of the international satellite-based search and rescue system COSPAS- SARSAT. Unlike Nadezhda Sterch does not contain system for satellite navigation, as this is assumed by the GLONASS satellites, and only a single SAR transponder. The cuboid satellites are so much smaller and lighter than their predecessors and can be launched as a secondary payload with other satellites. They are about 170 kg and be powered by solar boom with about three meters and 110 watts of power with energy. The life of five years are planned.

The first satellite, Sterch - 1, was launched July 21, 2009 aboard a Kosmos- 3M carrier rocket with a Parus communication satellites. The second satellite Sterch -2 was launched September 17, 2009 from Baikonur.
