Steve Jones (biologist)

Steve Jones ( born March 24, 1944) is a British geneticist. He is a professor of genetics and director of the Institute of Biology ( Biology Department ) at University College London.

Jones became known through written for the interested layman books on evolution, in which he wants the reader closer to bring the insights of science. He works for the British Humanist Association and criticizes the Christian fundamentalist movement of creationism. For his commitment, he was awarded the Irwin Prize Secularist of the Year.


  • The language of the genes. 1993 The message of the genes. Evolution as a legacy and opportunity. List, Munich / Leipzig 1995, ISBN 3-471-79304-6
  • God and the genes. The reports of the Bible and the findings of genetics. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 1998, ISBN 3-455-11217- X
  • As the whale came to the fin. A new look at the origin of species. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-455-11247-1; dtv, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-423-33073-2
  • The man. A mistake of nature? Rowohlt, Reinbek 2003, ISBN 3-498-03219-4; rororo, Reinbek 2005, ISBN 3-499-61961- X
  • Darwin's garden. Life and discoveries of the naturalist Charles Darwin and modern biology. Piper, Munich / Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-492-05213-9