Steven Hassan

Steven Alan Hassan (born 1954 ) is an American educator and author, dealing with new religious movements.

In the 1970s he was a member of the Unification Church, which he joined at the age of 19 years for 27 months.

He developed his own method of exit counseling, the "Strategic Interaction Approach". You should avoid the consequences of a so-called deprogramming under duress.

In addition, Steve Hassan developed the " BITE model " by which an organization, group can be estimated in terms of their potential danger. BITE stands for " Behavior, Information, Thought and Emotional Control So. Behavior, information, thought and emotional control is to find the more control in these four areas and the more systematic, stable over time, this control is exerted, the higher the potential of an organization or group is to disregard the personal freedom of its members, the members and their resources (time, money etc. ) to abuse.


  • Steven Hassan - break out of the spell of the sects, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1993, ISBN 3-499-19391-4
  • Steven Hassan - Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves, 2000, ISBN 0-9670688-0-0. .