Sto Lat

Sto lat / stɔlat / ( "One Hundred Years " ) is a traditional Polish song that is sung the person to express good wishes.

Origin and author of the song are unknown.

It serves mainly as a name day and birthday song. It is, however, such as work anniversary or title of the favored team intoned even with honors from other occasions. The expressed desire " a long life " according to the occasion more or less strongly occurs in the background.

"Sto lat " was sung at the home visit by Pope John Paul II and the inauguration of the Polish President Lech Kaczyński.

The awareness of "Sto lat " is in Polish language area about as high as Happy Birthday to You or For He's a Jolly Good Fellow in the English language.


The Polish chorus is:

( By replacing " zyje " with " żyją " you get the plural form, can be honored with the groups of people. )

In the text usually more verses are appended at unofficial or private occasions. A common German translation:

"Sto lat " as an expression

Using the expression "Sto lat " can another person a desire to be informed. The use according to it approximately corresponds to the desired formulas "Happy " or " God bless you ". Furthermore finds " Sto lat! " Still use as ( after sneezing another person ), but far less often than " health " " Na zdrowie! " - The literal " health ".

The term "Sto lat! " Is also used as a toast, but also significantly less than " Na zdrowie ".
