Stockholm University Library

The University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek ) is the University Library of the University of Stockholm and one of the largest university libraries in Sweden. Visitor groups include students, researchers, teachers and the public. The library has a collection of printed and electronic media. As a research library, the library offers many services, eg Find courses in scientific communication and references. Parts of the collection are available as open access. 1.4 million visited the library in 2012.


As the Stockholm University, a university in 1960, was the former library of the University of Stockholm a university library, separate faculty libraries was still going on. 1971, the faculties of the University of Stockholm gathered on campus Frescati where new buildings were built. In 1983, the new central library of the King Carl XVI was. Gustaf inaugurated. The new Central Library became the center of librarianship with more stores around Stockholm.

The Central Library was designed by the British architect Ralph Erskine - Swedish and is built as an extension of Unigebäudes from the 1960s. The building is characterized by Erskine with his typical details such as Balconies and an arched roof at the entrance. The library is 2013-2015 rebuilt and modernized.


Apart from the Central Library, the University Library consist of eight branches. In the fall of 2014 a new library is opened, the NOD library in Kista in Stockholm.

  • Library of the College of Journalism - JMK - biblioteket
  • Asia Library - Asienbiblioteket
  • Biblioteket Matematiska - Library of Mathematics
  • Library of Geosciences - Geobibilioteket
  • Library of Social Work - Biblioteket promote Socially arbete
  • Arrhenius Library - Arrheniusbiblioteket
  • Albanova
  • Library of the Latin American Institute - Latinamerikainstitutets bibliotek