Straumen, Nordland

Straumen is a Tätort and the administrative center in the municipality Sørfold in Nordland. Straumen has 818 inhabitants, 0.84 km ² and 973.8 inhabitants / km ² (as of January 1, 2012) and is situated in the innermost part of the fjord Sørfolda. The largest employer is Elkem Salten. The company produces ferrosilicon for the European market.

The place also has many recreational opportunities for children, youth and amateur athletes: Among other things, line dance, football, handball, paintball, dancing and music. Sørfold is also great at hockey, for which the club Sørfold Innebandyklubb plays along with clubs from Bodø and Alta and others in the top division for northern Norway.

The postal code is 8226th
