Stroke volume

The stroke volume, or more precisely the stroke volume (english Stroke volume, abbreviation SV), is a technical term from the medicine. It refers to the volume of blood that is ejected in a heartbeat from the left ventricle.

Calculation and measurement

The stroke volume can be estimated from the impedance cardiography, echocardiography or cardiac catheterization and computed. Stroke volume can also by cardiac CT (computed tomography), cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging ) or myocardial scintigraphy can be calculated.

Most stroke volume is calculated as the difference between end-diastolic and end systolic volume (EDV and ESV ):

From the stroke volume, one can derive two other important functional parameters of the heart:

  • Ejection fraction as the ratio of stroke volume to end-diastolic volume:
  • Cardiac output as the product of stroke volume and heart rate:

Normal value and low values

The normal value of the stroke volume is about 70 to 100 ml The stroke volume of the right and left ventricle are essentially the same size.

Lowered stroke volume is found in heart attacks, heart muscle and heart valve disease.
