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Structurae is an on-line database in which the data of all kinds of engineering structures, such as bridges, high-rise buildings, masts and towers, are stored. In September 2013 more than 63,000 objects were included, the number of images amounted to about 175,000.

In addition, there are entries on individual companies, authorities and organizations as well as individuals (engineers, architects, designers ).

Structurae lives from the contributions of more than a hundred volunteers, sending the information and images of individual objects. Most entries have references that meet academic standards.

The operator of Nicolas Janberg (born 1973 ), a German - French civil engineer and bridge planners, founded Structurae 1998, after he had created as an assistant at the Department of Civil Engineering at Princeton University for a course they teach, a similar project.

The site is in three languages ​​and is financed through banner ads and paid a premium entry for businesses. It consists of over 100,000 pages and runs on ColdFusion, while the contents are managed by the MySQL database.

Structurae is based in building and structuring of data on the architectural project archINFORM which is considered a pioneer project in the recognition and representation of building-related information.

Since March 2012 Structurae belongs to the Ernst & Sohn in Berlin, a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Janberg continues to serve as editor for the project.
