
The structuration theory, also referred to as the Theory of Structuration, was formulated by the British sociologist Anthony Giddens in his 1984 book The Constitution of Society. This theory represents a fundamental theory and belongs to the group of social theories.

The structuration theory is one of the more recent attempts to solve an old epistemological problem of the social sciences: How should one understand the relationship between individual and society, in other words: How should one understand the relationship between the parts and the whole, or between action and structure? Giddens is one of the authors who hold both the emphasis on the individual (see methodological individualism ) and the emphasis on " the Society" ( see methodological collectivism ) on one side and the models oppose, try to think of the connection of these poles the. A headline is him doing the duality of structure, by which he means an interaction between the action and the structure.

Theoretical Background and research interests

Giddens tried two previous approaches which, in its view only apparent opposites to combine in his structuration:

  • Functionalist thinking is since Comte oriented to biology, biology is considered as a guide for conceptualizing the structure and functioning of " social systems ".
  • Structuralist thinking does not use a biological analogy, is based on a homogeneity between natural and social sciences by cognitive traits from.
  • Hermeneutics looks natural and social sciences separately. Here there is a gap between subject and social object, the non- subjective world of experience is an alien, material, impersonal world.
  • Interpretative sociologies accept the common priority of action and meaning. Structure and coercion are seen here as unimportant. Reasons for imperialism of the subject.

It is disputed how the concepts should be specified and how they can be associated with structural and coercion.

Giddens target structuralization is the refutation of " imperialist " approaches.


Formalized rules in organizations are limited behavior of the latter, since they must be interpreted by the actors in the company. So you allow different modes of action and be considered by all parties. Structures are therefore both medium and outcome of social action. The actors reflect in their actions on this given structure and produce or reproduce a result. The circle closes - Giddens calls this duality of structure.

As a consequence, the concept also applies to the fact that only arise by the structure of the (social) systems.

Basic concepts

The actor and the action

Actors control their activities and thereby control their social and physical context. Social structures are recursive and are not produced by social actors, but reproduced in and through their actions. This is the condition that enables action. Actors with action rationality, have a theoretical understanding for their actions, so they can say why they do something. Motives for action are based on the needs that cause an action.

A motivation for action refers to action potential, ie on a permanent action execution. Motifs usually occur only in situations that deviate from the routine, a large part of everyday behavior is not directly motivated.

One motivation to act is not, as the reflexive control of the action or the action rationality, directly embedded in the persistence of action. Motivation refers rather to an action potential than on the manner in which the action is performed by the actor. Thus, the designs can not be considered as reasons for action.

Action is a course of conduct in everyday life. It is also called river intentional action.

As an intentional action is referred to Giddens, that an agent knows or thinks that his action has a specific, desired result.

Non- intentional action, in contrast, an action in which the actor is aware of his actions, but he did not estimate the (late) consequences, can only influence.

Actions can have unintended consequences, which can then enter through a feedback process as unrecognized / unconscious conditions for further action again.

Of course intentional action - most actions are not aware, however intended. Action does not relate at all to do something on the intention of the individual to do something, but the wealth. It is a continuous process, a current in the reflexivity of the actor becomes clear. Actors relate to rules and resources.

Action and power

Between action and power, there is a logical connection. To act awareness also means being able to ' act differently. So action also depends on the ability / willpower of the actor. Thus also the exertion of power from the skills depends.

There are two faces of power: firstly, the ability of the agent to control his behavior in his conception, on the other hand there is power between social systems (eg, institutions, societies ), the space and time consisting autonomy and dependence in interaction contexts as have a prerequisite of its existence.

Core of the idea of ​​structuring

The term structure titled structuralism and stood by functionalists, who used him as unquestionably to be accepted notion in the first place. He was cited as a model for the structuring of social relations, as a kind of scaffolding for social relationships. This use represents Giddens as insufficient for a social theory dar.

Structures are both the basis and the result of social action. Giddens sees structure as organized mountain of rules and resources, as spatio-temporal phenomenon. When structuring Giddens refers to those conditions which determine the change or the stock of structures and reproduction of social systems. Social actors produce and reproduce structures constantly, they act according to rules which are applied in the design of social practices, ie after generalized method.

Rules can be defined laws (formally codified rules ), which are also sanctioned ( abstract rules ). You can but even those his everyday rules / procedures ' which accepts the actor objection. Social actors act in their daily routine according to fixed rules, so have those absorbed in their knowledge and are able to cope with almost any situation by means of subconsciously retrieved rules. They are therefore implicated in the reproduction of social systems. Practices in social life are organized by rule complexes and serve to maintain a structured social system.

Resources referred to Giddens as the way, are involved in the transformation relations in the production and reproduction of social practices. So you have the possibility to the players can refer in their target achievement itself. What is important is the extent to which the actor can mobilize its resources, as Giddens assumes that an actor can interpret rules in conflict situations. Giddens distinguishes between allocative and authoritative resources. Allocative resources refer to types of assets to restructure, rule over objects and physical phenomena. They are derived from the rule of the people from over nature. Authoritative resources refer to the property, which enables a dominion over persons or actors.

Rules and resources are involved in the production and reproduction of social action.

Activities with a maximum possible resistance over time and space titled Giddens as institutions. Institutionalized practices are most relevant for research in the social sciences on. They are responsible for the structuring of everyday action, affect this. However, Giddens also explains that the simple procedural rules which meet the actors of social action everyday, sustainable impact on their social behavior have.


Giddens leads to the following example: When learning a foreign language, the goal is to say those as correctly as possible. Consequently, using grammatical rules when speaking. This is the intended and actual goal of the learner. Unintended consequence, however, is that one thereby contributing to sustainability and spread of this foreign language. The structure was produced and reproduced.

In our social structure recycled paper and plastic waste were long years as waste and were disposed of. Today one sees raw materials and other production resources which our subsequent actions changed.


  • The definitions of the terms are vague, imprecise and are determined partly contradictory.
  • The Gidden'sche theory is relatively abstract and therefore in parts difficult to understand for the reader.
  • Giddens uses the one hand, terms from the hermeneutic or interpretive sociology, on the other hand, structuralist and functionalist theory approaches. Therefore eclecticism has been accused.
  • A summary would be desirable.
  • There is little empirical work and findings.


The Gidden'sche theory provides the first approach for mediating between structuralism and theories of action. It is not a finished yet user- friendly concept. However, the structuration provides broader access to work through the problems of the social sciences and to link old and new solutions. It can also represent a suitable basis for the reflection of structures and processes in the field of organizational design and organizational development.
