Strut bar

Braces ( strut braces ) are used in automobile stiffening of a body. Often braces be retrofitted to increase the torsional rigidity of the body. This may be necessary if changes to the chassis ( eg the use of harder springs) increase the load on the body. Rare is the use of braces from the factory. However, these can be selected in vehicles without fixed roof structure ( Cabrio or roadster ) sometimes.

The strut connects the two front or rear strut towers, and thus prevents the position of the dome to one another, thus changing the geometry of the suspension.

Warping the track will be reduced, the driving behavior, especially when cornering, better and more direct. Strut braces are street legal in Germany and now also in Austria.

An example of the rare case of the insert from the factory is the Nissan 350Z. This must be factory- ever a strut brace on front and rear axle.
