Student transport

The school is the way between home and school. Usually he is on foot, by bicycle or by public transport. On the other children are also often brought by their parents by car to school.

One way to cope with the school in groups of children under the company of adults, Pedibus is.

A school is the shortest safe path between the home of a student and his school or his tuition in the legal sense. The school starts at the front door of the building and ends at the nearest entrance to the school grounds.

Increasing distances

Falling pupil numbers and changes in the education policy objectives lead to school closures and opening of school centers. This means that the average school routes are longer.

A by researchers at the University of Dortmund in 1998 conducted study showed that one-third of 690 surveyed children of different age groups no longer knew their way to school, because they are delivered and picked up from their parents by car. The parental transporting children to and from school, as well as activities outside of school is also referred to as a parent taxi. In many cases, parents make walking or carpooling together.

Among the schools initiated by actions to design a safe way to school, including the establishment of so-called parents stops, for example, are a few hundred meters away from the school. Parents stops to ensure safe entry and exit of the children as well as a safe walk from the parents stop to the school entrance. At the same time, the schools usually have also highlighted the benefits of a distance traveled by the child to walk to and from school.

As of action against the trend, school way back down in the car, September 22 as an international day of the journey to school on foot ( walk to school day) was named.

Accident hazards

Students are exposed to school special road hazards, more rarely, by force. Legally insurance is not only assures the direct risk-free way. Accident, a student on a " trip ", the insurance company pays only for " old typical behavior " ( Federal Social Court: B 2 U 29/ 06 R). The insurance is financed from local and state resources.

Many children today are learning too late to properly assess road hazards and deal with them. Transportation experts make sure especially the Unmündigbleiben of children due to excessive car transport, a premature cycling and a lack of systematic road safety education often responsible.

Moreover, the Mitfahrunfälle have pedestrian accidents involving children already overtaken by the statistics. At the risk to the children of the artificial compaction of road transport within the schools, the so-called school rush hour, and the resulting pre- generated stress in parents and children is attributed to a significant proportion.

As measures a regular school training and light reflective, especially in winter clothes are important. At some intersections and pedestrian crossings is a municipal police or school security instead (warning and detention of vehicles ). Further work on the way to school security and traffic assistance as crossing guards. Also suitable clothing can provide more safety in road traffic


Preschoolers will enjoy the familiar surroundings and the proximity of their parents. At primary school age but they solve step by step from the parental home, trust is increasingly becoming and put back new and difficult paths. In order adequately to give parents, children and competent authorities assistance here, the Insurers Accident Research ( UDV ) has developed a media pack. This will make recommendations for the way to school on foot, possibly by bike, by bus or by car.

After the didactic model of road safety education of the Child from a standard program and several child proper project proposals were at the Karlsruhe University of Education developed that are specifically geared to the preparation and training of the preschool child and Schulanfängers as an independent road users: The children should always be moved as little as possible in cars and instead actively participate as a pedestrian on the road of life. The Karlsruhe 12-step program is designed to enable preschoolers in a short time to first secure it alone in the immediate living environment. This builds on it pedestrian Diploma is concerned with the management of and from school by the first graders. More cross-curricular projects such as the school play to knowledge and skills of children deepen and consolidate.


Free or discounted student tickets for the school there is only when the student outside a certain radius resides at his school. The exact terms are countries thing, but the Minister of Education have established a common definition. Thus, subsidies are granted if the school in the easy removal for the pupils of the primary school more than 2 km, the lower secondary level more than 3.5 km of secondary education is more than 5 km or even if the student or the student from health reasons, a means of transport has to use.

In North Rhine- Westphalia, the student ticket is valid only for the school, but not for leisure. The joint solution of the homework is here so neither covered actuarially or financially.
