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Stupendemys geographicus

  • South America, Venezuela, Acre

Stupendemys was a genus of very large freshwater turtle of the family of Podocnemididae. Fossil remains of the species have been found in present-day Venezuela, and in western Brazil. There were two ways.

Stupendemys geographicus was the largest freshwater turtle in the Earth's history. The three -meter-long animal had a tank of 2.30 meters long and 1.90 meters wide and weighed probably between 600 and 800 kilograms. The largest current South American freshwater turtle Arrauschildkröte ( Podocnemis expansa ), while reaching a maximum carapace length of only about a meter and a weight of about 50 kilograms.


  • Stupendemys geographicus Wood, 1976 ( type species )
  • Stupendemys Souzai Bocquentin & Melo, 2006