
A hordeolum (from Latin hordeum " barley " ) or German barley grain (medium bavarian, Austro: Gerschtl, Swiss German: Ürseli, Gritli, " Werle " Austro: Wern ) is usually a purulent inflammation of the glands of the eyelids in the form of an abscess with breakthrough inward or outward.

At a hordeolum externum pus breakdown takes place outwards and the minor glands ( sweat ) and Zeis glands ( sebaceous glands) are affected. In a hordeolum internum the pus breakdown takes place inside, here the meibomian glands ( sebaceous glands at the lid margin ) are infected. Delimit From the hordeolum is painless chalazion ( Hailstone ) in which there is a chronic granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian glands.


The barley grain is most often caused by a staph ( Staphylococcus aureus in 90 to 95 percent of all cases), by a streptococcal infection. In itself it is a harmless infection. If this inflammation but heaped upon which speaks for either a weakened immune system - for example, caused by diabetes mellitus - or for a constant re-infection, for example by rubbing the eyes with infected hands. Risk factors include poor hygiene, wearing contact lenses or makeup.


A rapidly occurring inflammatory, painful and purulent swelling and localized redness are the symptoms of barley grain. The conjunctiva may be also affected and appear swollen and red. In the deep infections ( hordeolum internum ) it can also lead to a bulging of the lid margin. Also, patients may have fever. A rare complications occur Lidabszesse on orbital cellulitis (extension of the inflammation to the whole eye ) or thrombosis.


A stye is usually harmless, but can cause untreated or through an incision was made too late to Lidphlegmone. A chronic, recurrent course ( Hordeolosis ) may be an indication of a previously undetected diabetes mellitus.

Disinfectant and antibiotic ointments at night and eye drops (eg gyrase inhibitors, Bibrocathol ) a day can help reduce the swelling and eliminate the infection. Common drugs include neomycin or gentamicin. Dry heat, such as red light, is also useful. Less useful is moist heat, as is formed in associations and hot envelopes; it leads to a softening of the skin. This can be a spread of germs, which have caused the infection, have the result. Although often recommended, you should therefore refrain from wet compresses the barley grain.

Cancels the barley grain after some time not independent, and there is severe swelling, fluctuation or a strong increase in pain, an ophthalmologist should be opened by a puncture ( incision ) the barley grain. The stye is not self- expressed but because the inflammation pathogens can be floated off on the efferent veins otherwise.

Since the pathogens are transferable, contact should be avoided and the hands, if necessary, disinfected.
