Styled Layer Descriptor

Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD ) is an XML schema that has been defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium ( OGC) to define the appearance of map layers. With the SLD presentation description language the appearance of vector and raster data can be described. Typical use an SLD definition is notify a Web Map Service (WMS ) as a specific map layer to be displayed. The representation can thus be independent of the geometry, but not on the geometry type (point, line, polygon, etc. ) store.

In August 2007, the SLD specification was divided into two new specifications: Symbology Encoding (abbreviated SE) and Styled Layer Descriptor (short: SLD).

The Styled Layer Descriptor specification now describes only the protocol to let a WMS which style rules to be applied for a map layer. The actual description rules are now defined in a separate Symbology Encoding Specification.


  • AtlasStyler SLD Editor is a free (LGPL ) SLD editor based on GeoTools, Java and Swing. Since version 1.7 vector and raster are supported. Data sources can be Shapefile, PostGIS, WFS and GeoTiff / ArcASCII files.


CityGML | GML | GMLJP2 | GeoRSS GML | GeoXACML | KML | Filter Encoding | GO | Simple Feature Access | ED / SLD

Web Service Framework

Sensor Web Enablement (SWE ): O & M | SensorML | TML | SOS | PLC

OpenGIS Web Services ( OWS): WCAS / CSW | WCT | WCS | WCPS | WFS | WMC | WMS | WMTS | WPS | W3DS

  • OGC standard
  • GIS data format
  • XML-based language