Sud Yungas Province

16- 67.083333333333Koordinaten: 16 ° 0 ' S, 67 ° 5' W

Sud Yungas is one of twenty provinces of the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia and is located in the eastern part of the department.


The province is located on the eastern slopes of the Bolivian Cordillera Real, bordered to the east by the department of Cochabamba and Beni Department, to the north by the Province Franz Tamayo, on the west by the province Larecaja, the province and the province of Nor Yungas Caranavi, on the southwest by the province Murillo, on the south by the province Loayza, and to the southeast by the provincial Inquisivi.

The province extends between about 14 ° 54 'and 16 ° 42' south latitude and 66 ° 48 ' and 67 ° 58'W, it measures 200 km from north to south, from east to west and 75 kilometers.


The literacy rate in the province is 88.9 percent, and 93.4 percent, although in men and 83.6 percent for women.

The infant mortality rate has declined from 7.2 percent (1992 ) to 6.8 percent ( 2001).

88.2 percent of the population speak Spanish, 57.9 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 4.3 percent. (2001)

66.4 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 59.6 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

80.2 percent of households have a radio, 22.5 percent have a television, 19.4 percent a bicycle, a motorcycle 3.1 percent, 3.7 percent, a car, a refrigerator, 9.1 percent, 0.9 percent phone. (2001)

77.1 percent of the population are Catholics, 15.4 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Sud Yungas Province is divided into the following five counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • Municipio Chulumani - 14,948 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Irupana - 10,440 inhabitants
  • Municipio La Asunta - 25,055 inhabitants
  • Municipality of Palos Blancos - 20 854 inhabitants
  • Municipio Yanacachi - 4,267 inhabitants