Suggestive question

A leading question is a question form in which the respondent is affected by the way the question to give an answer with a predetermined message content expected by the questioner. The way the question has the purpose to influence the thinking, feeling, volition or action of a person and prevent the respondents from a particular rational answer.

Leading questions found in psychology, in rhetoric, in the interrogation practices during the sales talk in the market and opinion research as well as in everyday language use, but are not appreciated because of their influence on the character.

Who uses this form of a question, is not really a question, but intends his idea, view or opinion of another person to suggest to act affecting.

Useful can be a leading question then, if it is to emphasize an existing commonality in thinking, feeling, willing, or acting with a person.

Areas of application


Suggestions and leading questions are generally regarded in psychology and medicine as malpractice if they in diagnostics - are applied - when it comes to finding the truth in relation to facts. Suggestions and leading questions in treatment situations can be helpful but in certain cases quite.


Leading questions are often used as a rhetorical device in the sales pitch in order to achieve certain goals. Examples of this can be seen, among others, the "on - the -door " sales and telemarketing. With closed leading questions to be answered by the respondent with "Yes", it will try to sell goods or services to collect money or to get signatures on contracts.

Legal system

In the examination of witnesses to establish the truth is a leading question is not admissible, but can be used in order to examine the suggestion susceptibility of a witness and his credibility.

Interrogation practice

In the police interrogation practice is to seek the truth, a leading question is also not allowed. However, there is in practice always the danger that under pressure to present a detection result, an offender, a victim or a witness is to be brought to a leading question to a concrete statement.

Market research and public opinion

Leading questions are used in market and opinion research to a classic " Yes / No / Do not know" response a) to obtain usable results quickly and structurally b ) to make the answers concise recyclable.

Leading questions should be in the interest of an objective opinion research generally avoided. Pollsters that simply want to support it with a particular survey a desired opinion, but put like leading questions deliberately to manipulate the results of a.

Everyday language use

In everyday communication in the private sector, the leading question is generally accepted, and only in the strong form, mostly in cases of conflict, rejected. However, they will, if perceived, felt in the public sector as unpleasant and refused.

