Suillus bellinii

Kleinsporiger pine boletus ( Suillus bellinii )

The Kleinsporige Pine or White Brown Schmierröhrling Boletus ( Suillus bellinii, syn. Boletus bellinii, Ixocomus bellinii and Rostkovites bellinii ) is an edible mushroom of the family of Schmierröhrlingsverwandten.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the Kleinsporigen Pine Röhrlings is about 6-14 cm wide, quite irregular, curved in young mushrooms and later flattened. It is whitish - yellow to nut and olive brown. The surface is coated with a lubricant for boletes typical, sticky when dry skin, forming a slimy film in damp weather. The tubes are whitish to yellow. The long and angular pores of the fungus are initially creamy- yellow, later colored yellow-green -olive- brown. The stem is 3-6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide and very short in relation to the hat. He is grained whitish or straw-colored and violet- red. The hard meat has a fruity smell and a sweet taste.

Microscopic characteristics

The elliptical to spindle-shaped, smooth-walled spores are apikulaten and yellow- ocher- colored, 7.5-9.5 microns long and 3.5-3.8 microns wide.


  • Grains Boletus ( Suillus granulatus ): It is characterized by an orange hat.
  • Mediterranean boletus ( Suillus mediterraneensis ): The handle is grained brownish- white. The flesh is yellow.
  • Ring Loser butter mushroom ( Suillus collinitus ): The hat is yellow and the mycelium is colored pink.


The Kleinsporige Pine Röhrling forms mycorrhizae with pine trees ( pine, Aleppo pine, maritime pine ) and is adjacent to the ring lots of butter and the mushroom Boletus Mediterranean one of the typical lubricating boletes in the Mediterranean area. In Switzerland, the species is also under five noble pines ( Arve, strobe ).

Origin of the name

The epithet is named after the Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini ( 1801-1835 ).


The Kleinsporige Pine Röhrling is edible. However, it referred to Winkler ( 2008) as not edible.

