Suillus mediterraneensis

Mediterranean boletus ( Suillus mediterraneensis )

The Mediterranean Röhrling or Mediterranean grains Boletus ( Suillus mediterraneensis, syn. S. leptopus ) is a mushroom of the family of Schmierröhrlingsverwandten. He is often found under pines with which it forms mycorrhiza.


The hat of the Mediterranean Röhrlings is about 5-12 cm wide and is light to reddish brown. In young mushrooms it is curved, flattened later. It is coated with a lubricant for the boletes typical, sticky, peel skin. The pores are 8 mm long and yellow, yellow- grayish or yellow- brown. The stem is 1.5-2.5 cm thick, slightly thickened at the base, whitish with a brown grain. The flesh is soft, whitish to yellowish-white with a pleasant smell and sweet taste. The spores are spindle -shaped and smooth, and measure 9-12 x 4-4.5 microns. The basidia are spindle -shaped and usually viersporig, rarely zweisporig and reach 20-30 x 5-7 microns.


  • Grains Boletus ( Suillus granulatus ): It is characterized by an orange hat.
  • Kleinsporiger pine boletus ( Suillus bellinii ): The handle is grained reddish- purple.
  • Ring Loser butter mushroom ( Suillus collinitus ): The hat is yellow and the mycelium is colored pink.

Ecology and distribution

The Mediterranean Röhrling forms mycorrhizal with pines. It has therefore to be found in the Mediterranean area, especially among Aleppo pine, but also among pine and maritime pine.


