Sumba and Sumbawa Pony

Sumbawa Pony

The Sumba Pony is an ancient breed of horse from the Indonesian island of Sumba, which is very similar to Mongolian and Chinese primitive ponies. It is used in Indonesia as a burden and draft animal. In addition, one meets it in traditional dance competitions, in which it must bring to the blades by rehearsed steps bells that are attached to his knees. The Sumbawa Pony is almost identical to the Sumba Pony, it comes from the Indonesian island of Sumbawa.

Sumba ponies are characterized by heavy but attractive heads with large almond-shaped eyes. The body is usually wiry and rests on slender, hard as iron legs with a stick of about 120 cm. Contrasting comes exclusively a drawing similar to the wild Tarpan or Konik ago. The animals are hardy, perennial but still tractable animals.
