Sumbat I of Iberia

Sumbat I was 923-958 King and Kuropalates of Georgia.

The youngest Sumbat was after the two elder brothers King and Kuropalates. Guguschwili leaves on David II immediately the son Sumbats I, Bagrat II dumb as king follow ( 937-994 ). But an inscription in the church was donated by him to Dolisqana speaks of " Sumbat our king ." In older chronicles Sumbat reigned as King 923-958 and David II and / or the later ruling David III. Kuropalates the Great (961-1000) have been omitted. Therefore, there are many different scoring systems for the kings of the name David. So you can David the Builder (1089-1125) times as David II, David III. or David IV found in the literature, the latter being the most common. Sumbat was buried in the Iberian monastery on Mount Athos.
