Summi maeroris

With the encyclical Summi maeroris calls Pope Pius XII. July 19, 1950 to again to public prayers for peace.

Two reasons led Pius XII. in his Pontifical newsletter, which prompted him to call back at a public prayer for peace. First, there is the current Holy Year with the many visitors in Rome and the second he was doing to great concern about the present state of society. Many would talk about peace, yet in some countries would be encouraged to hatred and blind rivalry. He therefore exhort all citizens and governments seriously a true harmony and peace.

Pius XII. recalls that war would bring only destruction, misery and death with it. He warned of the upgrade, which will always be brutal and cruel by the progress of technology, disregarding the protection of goods and would make the mothers and children helpless. Therefore it was his - and his confreres - pastoral duty to warn against these developments and to call for public calls for peace and prayers.
