Summi Pontificatus

Pope Pius XII. warned in his first encyclical Summi Pontificatus of 20 October 1939, theories which denied the unity of the human race, and before the apotheosis of the state, all of which led to a real " hour of darkness " in his view.

Against Racism and every tyranny

In his, issued shortly after the outbreak of war encyclical he turned against racism and the claim to power of dictatorships and the occupation of Poland. It contained the condemnation of the fundamental errors of the time, especially the totalitarian state. She stressed the sanctity of the family, as man and family are vorstaatlich. To this end, he recalled that the secular state violence was intended by the Creator, so they do it the easier for people to acquire the physical, mental and moral perfection in the time domain, and help him to reach his supernatural end.

Undoubtedly the Pope has condemned racism and genocide. It refers to the natural law and its immutable laws, to which the had to keep peoples and states. He criticized the racial ideology of National Socialism. The words were so clearly anti-racist that Allied planes dropped thousands of copies over Germany to support the anti-racism. This encyclical was banned in Germany, the Hitler Youth was then instructed to collect all copies and destroy them. The Pope warned well ahead of Europe's dictators and called the idea of St. Paul of a world in which there is neither Gentiles nor Jews, in memory.

He summed up the position of the Vatican, among others as follows by saying that the human race is governed for the benefit of all nations. This also means that the claim of the state stand to absolute power in open opposition to this natural way.

Solidarity and society

To this end, leads Pius XII. In his encyclical of that a common mistake lies in the fact that you could be forgotten the law of solidarity and love between people. The recognition of the royal prerogatives of Christ and the return of the individual and society under the law of his truth and his love is the only way of salvation. Because each institution is based on a vision of man and his destiny to which they would receive their judgment criteria, their values ​​hierarchy and its behavior line. This would meet the highest extent on the state to: " An erroneous view of human beings on this level has serious implications for all areas of social life. Only the divinely revealed religion has clearly recognized in God the Creator and Redeemer, the origin and end of man. "

" Summi Pontificatus " as a successor to the "hidden encyclical "?

In the planned encyclical Humani Generis Unitas ( The Unity of the human race, partly as a Societas Unio cited ) by Pope Pius XI. Nazi racial ideology should be condemned. The Pope had his German advisers Gustav Gundlach and two other Jesuits commissioned to compose a draft. However, it was not the publication of the encyclical, the work on the text could not be completed during the lifetime of the Pope, also had the effect of publication uncertain. Part of the concept of "hidden encyclical " were, however, later Pius XII. incorporated in the encyclical Summi Pontificatus, probably from No. 27 to No. 77 (German text).
