Sun Life Financial

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Sun Life Financial Inc. is a Canadian company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Sun Life Financial offers financial services of various kinds; in particular, the company was known in the past in Canada for life insurance. The company has more than one branch in ten countries and has approximately 15,000 employees. The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in the stock index S & P / TSX 60.


1865, the company Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada by Matthew Hamilton Gault was founded an Irish immigrant. The Company commenced its operations on in 1871. At the end of the 19th century the company in Central and South America, the U.S., UK, Caribbean, Japan, China, India and North Africa expanded. During the Second World War, the British Crown Jewels as well as the gold reserves of several European countries were stored for safe keeping in the Old Sun Life Building. After World War II, developed and expanded the company in the life insurance world. 2000, the company went public in Toronto.


  • Insurance
  • Financial Services