Suor Angelica

  • Sister Angelica (soprano )
  • The Princess, her aunt (Alt )
  • The Abbess (Alt )
  • The sister Eiferin (soprano )
  • Sister Genovieffa (soprano )
  • Sister Dolcina (Alt )
  • Two alms search channels ( Alt)
  • Begging sisters, novices, lay sisters ( women's choir)

Suor Angelica ( "Sister Angelica " ) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini, with a libretto Giovacchino Forzano. Puccini she combined with the two one-act operas Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi, Il trittico ( " The Triptych "). The common first performance took place on December 14, 1918 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.


Giacomo Puccini was aimed a cycle, the Trittico post, which should include the performance of a tragic ( Suor Angelica ), a lyric and a serene piece ( Gianni Schicchi ) in one evening. Suor Angelica forms the tragic and lyrical second act


The opera takes place in Italy, in 1700

Location: in a monastery

Despite the strict monastic rule, the nuns chat with each other, including Angelica, who was imprisoned here seven years ago, because, as it turns out later, scored an illegitimate child, the shame of the family. Since then she has lived in pious seclusion in the convent and thinks constantly of her child, which she has as a part of their family, nothing more. Her aunt, the proud princess, comes to visit. Angelica wants answered from her the burning question whether their child is still alive. Cooling and just reported to her aunt that the child was dead. After the aunt is gone, Angelica takes her pain at night when everyone is asleep, life. While the poison works, she implores the Mother of God for a sign of grace and is heard: While she dies, her beloved child comes up to a cloud on it.
