
The word comes from the English Super Cargo ( supervision cargo ) and is best with charge storage expert or consultant to translate. A supercargo advises the captain and the cargo officer on a cargo ship in the loading of the ship. He is not one of the crew, but is usually made ​​by the holder of the charge or other charge involved. The supercargo usually accompanied the ship in the various loading and discharging ports. Meanwhile, he has, during particularly sensitive types of cargo such as fruit, the duty of the external monitoring the state of charge and worked in the short term problems occur a solution. He also coordinates the smooth flow of cargo handling.

During the loading of the vessel planning the supercargo must in particular consider the following points:

  • Stability of the ship
  • Carrying capacity of the vessel
  • Uniform distribution of charge in the ship
  • Maximum loads on the individual hatches
  • Available cranes / cargo gear
  • Sensitivity of the charge (eg no heavy steel plates on sensitive containers)
  • Special calculations for special shipments (eg heavy )
  • Cargo shipping
  • Seafaring profession