Supremi apostolatus officio

Supremi Apostolatus officio is an encyclical of Pope Leo XIII .. It was published on September 1, 1883, is subtitled " The Rosary in History and Present". In it, the Pope describes the Rosary as an effective spiritual means.

Mary and the importance of the Rosary

The Pope recalls the traditional devotion to Mary and explained the reason of his writing. As one of the most important prayers he referred to the rosary, which was used for the good of all Christendom. It is the purity of Mary, the highlighting this peculiarity, he writes, and has the difficulties which had to survive the church. Out of force of arms but especially to the prayer of the Rosary, he put his trust.

The Feast of the Rosary

He describes the successes that had been achieved by the recitation of the Rosary. These prayers have finally when preserved in the sixteenth century Europe, even after hard fighting and great loss of blood, before the subjugation and barbarity. It was then, he explains, the popes Gregory XIII. and Clement XI. , which led after the victory over the Turkish troops to proclaim the Feast of the Rosary, and introduce the Feast of the Rosary " the grateful memory for the whole Church."

Intercession and healing

The distribution of the Rosary leads to a special devotion to Mary and the prayer help, " to reconcile God's wrath and to implore the intercession of the Blessed Virgin ," the he expresses. Therefore, it is called and it would be appropriate in these days the Holy Virgin to ask for help in the Rosary. The prayers in the Rosary be it that could contribute to the healing of the community.

Papal statement

Pope Leo XIII. points out in his encyclical to the whole Catholic world, that just this year the feast of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary should be committed particularly festive and solemn. He states that from October 1 to November 2 in all parish churches "at least five decades ( set of ten pieces) of the rosary together with the Litany of Loreto " to be prayed at the same time should also hl. Sacrifice of the Mass to be celebrated or are exposed to the worship of the Blessed Sacrament.

Extension of the Rosary

Already on 24 December 1883, he announced with the apostolic letter " Salutaris ille " that asking: " Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us " is added to the Litany of Loreto.


All circulars issued by Our Holy Father Leo XIII. , By divine providence Pope. Fourth Collection (1881-1885), Herderian Verlagsbuchhandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1904, 7-35.
