Sur (river)


The Sur is a river, which originates in a source area slope at Surberg and near the town of Laufen flows into the Salzach.


The Sur is named for a lot of places on the course of the river: Surberg, Surtal, Surmühl, Surheim and Sur ( Small Sur ).

Economic use

  • The Surspeicher is (also called Surtalsperre ), which is operated by the State of Bavaria in the outskirts of Teisendorf and Schönram (municipality petting ). This flood retention basin serves the flood protection of the middle and lower reaches of the Sur.
  • From original 16 water mills and weirs exist eight, with the fall height of the weirs has partly increased significantly.


Over the Sur there are three levels:

  • Teisendorf ( tag number: 18.662 million )
  • Ammerberg ( tag number: 18,663,003 )
  • Brodhausen ( tag number: 18,666,001 )

Small Sur

The Little Sur rises near the municipality borders Ainring, Anger and Teisendorf. It flows in a valley north of Högls to Thun village ( hamlet of the village Ainring ) past and leads west of Freilassing at Gessenhart in the Sur.
