Surakarta (game)

Surakarta is according to several sources of Ravensburger publishing and other sources, a Javanese board game that was named after the Indonesian city of Surakarta. The game can currently not be supported by a reliable source as a traditional Javanese board game. Information on age and historical records well before the publication by Ravensburger are not known.


It is stated in the source evidence, Java was this game was originally played with shells as tokens, where the lines were drawn in the sand.


There two players compete against each other, the first player selects 12 stones of his color and places it on the black dots on the intersections of the lines of his page. The enemy in turn creates 12 white stones on the white dots his side of the board.

It is alternately pulled each stone has its own per round. Each train is either moved or captured while a stone of goal.

In the case of a simple train without hitting may be drawn backward in either horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction to any empty adjacent time point, both forwards.

In a striking train the stone travels a line over several unoccupied fields along - the journey at least one of the arcs must lead - until he meets an opponent's piece, the player must then remove.

Loser is he who has no more stones. To determine the result you add the beaten stones to own pieces that are still in the game.
