Surplus product

The multi- product or surplus is in the classical economics of surplus, which is produced with the necessary life to achieve those objectives.

In the simplest form this economic category can be found in the tableau économique of the Physiocrats François Quesnay, where he represents the part on the production of agricultural products, which is not used to life of people employed in agricultural production workers. In this first sequence reproduction schema is shown that the social product that Quesnay sees only be in the form of agricultural products, if it is to be periodically reproduced in the same amount, must be attributed to a particular part back into production. In addition to the worn-out means of production must also be replaced, the agricultural workers need to live. The surplus on the thus determined Reproduction need also is the surplus product over which the Company may have or which is distributed according to the participation of the different social classes in this production process. There is thus a direct relationship established between the production and the distribution of the social product.

The fact that farmers produce more food than they themselves consume is economic condition that specialize other people to trade, commerce and other activities in a city. According to historical materialism considers a level of productivity that permanently allows the generation of multi- product, which requires that a community so that transitions from the income equality to inequality and class society. Because slave labor is only worthwhile if the slave produces more than he needed to live. Ernest Mandel deals with Harry W. Pearson, the different "absolute" and " relative surplus" and, ultimately, ever doubted the relevance of this approach, the economic explanation for tribal societies.

According to the labor theory of value by Karl Marx occurs in capitalism with the value-form, the division of labor production obtained by the exchange of goods, the social surplus product in the form of added value. The appropriation of surplus-value is therefore seen as exploitation of wage workers directly involved in production.

Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx were disposed of in determining the wage level of the presentation of the Subsistenzlohns and have this instead a function determined by cultural and social conditions, in particular the balance of power and the different negotiating positions of power involved in the production social classes.

The classical political economy must be seen as a surplustheoretischer approach starting from a given real wage and a given production technology and their productivity and then determines the Surplus as that which finally is left of the social product in the opinion of Pierangelo Garegnani in contrast to neo-classical economics.

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