
Buzzing is a Danish artist duo consisting from jan Egesborg and Pia Bertelsen that stands out in particular through provocative actions. They were thus able to place an article in the government-related Tehran Times, President Ahmadinejad supported superficially, but the encrypted message SWINE ( Swine ) contained.

The group has established itself at the funeral of former Serbian President Milošević and it is the task of the powerful countered ironic and provocative actions, and thereby to gain media attention. They themselves belong to any group, nor to any NGO.

In spring 2007, they attracted the public's interest by having hung alleged NPD posters in Berlin, but which turned out to be a parody on closer inspection.

In May 2007 Egesborg was arrested during a visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vienna, after a poster with the ironic question " Shoot Putin journalists? " had attached. In June 2007, a group of artists in Berlin up posters against the attitude of the Pope on homosexuality. * In 2008, the group posters under the title ZOG ( Zionist Occupied Government) at the Kunstverein Tiergarten. This led to protests because on a poster a stone sanctuary was depicted standing over the stupid stone.

January 9, 2009 Egesborg provided with posters and cards on the financial crisis in Kassel stir. Here, a fictional Kassel artist named Moll morning gray is quoted sentences such as: "At last a lengthy, in-depth, depressive financial crisis " or "More financial crisis please, finally, all as poor as me."

In April 2010 Surrend stuck in some central Berlin districts posters that they call the "Final Solution " for the State of Israel. In interviews, they made it clear that this requirement is not meant ironically. The choice of words that picks up the vocabulary of National Socialism, and the requirement to be "wiped off the map" the only Jewish state in the world, the artists contributed a the charge of sedition and anti-Semitism.
