Sursilvan dialects (Romansh)

Sursilvan (also Oberländisch, advises: Sursilvan ) is an idiom and Romansh is spoken in the Surselva Valley in the canton of Grisons, ie in Vorderrheintal from Flims / Flem to the cantonal borders up. The most closely related idiom is the east subsequent Sutsilvan. A Subdialekt of Sursilvan with some peculiarities is the Tuatschin.

First writings

After the Reformation, the need grew for a Romanesque written language; the Roman reformers wanted to translate the Bible and other theological writings into the language of the people. The Ilanzer Father Stefan Gabriel wrote at the beginning of the 17th century, the first texts in Romansh. His first book in surselvischer language was published in 1611 in Basel: " Igl ver sulaz because giuvan pievel " (" The real entertainment of the young people" ).

Language example

A text in Sursilvan, RG and German.


L' uolp era puspei inagada fomentada. Cheu ha ella viu sin in Pegn in tgaper che Teneva in toc caschiel s siu bec. Quei gustass a mi, ha ella tertgau, ed ha clamau al tgaper: " Tgei bi che ti ice Scheme tiu cant ei aschi Bials sco tia cumparsa, lu ice ti il pli bi utschi since tuts! . "


La vulp era Puspe ina giada fomentada. Qua ha ella vis sin in pign in CORV che tegneva in toc chaschiel en ses pichel. Quai ma gustass, ha ella Penza, ed ha CLAMA al CORV: " Tge bel che ti it th Sche chant è Usche bel sco tia parita, it lura il ti pli bel suction because tuts. "


The fox was hungry again. And then he saw a fir tree a raven holding a piece of cheese in its beak. That would taste me, he thought, and cried to the Raven: " How beautiful you are! If your song is as beautiful as your looks, then you are the most beautiful of all birds. "
