Surya Namaskara

The Sun Salutation (Sanskrit, सूर्य नमस्कार, Sūrya Namaskara, literally: Glory to you, sun) also called " sun salutation " or " Greeting to the Sun ", a sequence of ( usually) twelve yoga postures ( asanas), the dynamic, ie merge with one another in the breathing rhythm, are practiced.

The sun salutation is well suited to warm up at the beginning of a yoga class or as an activation exercise in the morning ( the rising sun facing ). The series of exercises invigorates the body, mind and soul. The joints are mobilized, stretched muscles and ligaments as well as the cardiovascular system a workout.

The Sun Salutation is to bring the awe of the sun and the deity, deep humility and gratitude towards them expressed, as reflected in the attitudes (folded hands, bowing ) shows.

As a variant exists the so-called small sun salutation, which is somewhat easier to perform. Even from the small sun salutation, there are several embodiments.
