Susan B. Anthony

Susan Brownell Anthony (* February 15, 1820 in South Adams, Massachusetts, † March 13, 1906 in Rochester, New York) was a pioneer of the American women's rights movement. It was called " Napoleon of the women's movement ." She was the first woman to be registered as a voter at a presidential election in the United States and gave their vote in the election of 1872. It was therefore sentenced excitatory process in June 1873 for unlawful influence choice in a stir.


Susan B. Anthony was the second of eight children of the liberal Quaker Daniel Anthony and his wife Lucy Read. Her family saw women as equal and helped her to a - for that time - good education. As a teacher, she was soon affected by injustices against women: They only earned just a quarter of what their male counterparts were.

1848 Susan Anthony returned to her parents' farm in Rochester. There she met many activists of that reform movements know. She soon became involved in the temperance and Abolitionsbewegung. Although this was mainly worn by women, decisions were made exclusively by men. Soon, Anthony went with her friend, the militant suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, agree that said that women should devote themselves especially to the cause of women.

More than forty years fought Anthony and Stanton together at the top of the American Suffrage Movement. They founded a radical journal, The Revolution ( Revolution ), and 1869, the National American Woman Suffrage Association organization. On November 1, 1872, it appeared in a campaign office in Rochester (New York) and threatened to sue the employees of the office of disability in exercising their right to vote if they would not be registered. She was then registered for the presidential election and was on November 5, cast their vote. About this choice has been reported in numerous newspapers and it finally came to the indictment. In the two-day process to Susan B. Anthony relied on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The court held that the right to vote would not be caught up, so instructed by the judge jury convicted then Susan B. Anthony fined in the amount of $ 100.

80 years, she resigned as president of the National Women's Suffrage Association, but continued to fight. Failure is impossible ( failure is not possible) they chanted two months before her death at a conference on women's rights.

Susan B. Anthony saw the introduction of women's suffrage in the United States no longer. At the beginning of her " career" as a women's rights activist reviled because of their radicalism and intransigence, they had developed over the decades into a recognized, respected and admired figurehead of a strong movement.

She died in 1906 in her parents' home in Rochester. The nationwide women's suffrage was introduced in 1920.

Until now circulating in the United States, launched in her honor Susan B. Anthony dollar, a one-dollar coin.
