Susan Kay

Susan Kay ( born 1952 in Manchester ) is a British writer.

It achieved great popularity with their biographical novel The Phantom of the illustrious life story of Erik, the crazy - brilliant character from Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera.

The novel is structured as episode story in seven chapters with diary extracts of the various protagonists, Erik's mother, Erik himself, Giovanni, a character created by Susan Kay, Nadir Khan, better known as the Persians, as well as Christine and Raoul.

Kay is particularly interested in the Persia of the 19th century and also traveled to Iran to research for Nadir's share in history.

Her first novel was The Queen ( original English title Legacy ) and deals with the life of Queen Elizabeth.

Works in German language

  • The Queen, Fischer Frankfurt 2005, ISBN 3-596-16828-7
  • The Phantom, Fischer Frankfurt 2005, ISBN 3-596-16892-9
  • Letters for Sarah ( novella )