
Susanoo no mikoto (Japaneseスサノオ( Kojiki: 〔建〕 〔速〕须 佐 之〔能〕男 命, 〔神〕 〔武〕 〔速〕素 戋 呜 尊) ), outdated also Susanowo, is the Shinto the Kami ( German "God " ) of the wind and the sea and the brother of the sun goddess Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi no Mikoto of the moon god.


Susanoo is the son of Izanagi and came to the world as this after a visit to the underworld, the impurities of his nose washed. There are also other versions in Japanese mythology, after which he was born shortly before the death Izanamis along with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.


Susanoo had a very stormy character, because his favorite pastime was to play a prank on the other. One of the pranks he played his sister Amaterasu, but went too far and he was banished from heaven.

But he also has good properties. It ensures, for example, that no epidemics spread and he is also commonly known as protection god of agriculture. Furthermore, legend has it that he taught the first culture to people and civilization founded.

Nevertheless, only a few shrines are dedicated to him in Japan. Its main sanctuary is the Grand Shrine of Izumo ( Shimane Prefecture ), where he collaborated with the deity Okuninushi (大 国 主, Lord of the great country ) is worshiped.
