Swallow-tailed Gull


The gulls ( Creagrus furcatus ) is an endemic to the Galapagos and nocturnal gull. She is one of 19 species of seabirds occurring there, five of which are endemic.


The Gull is about half a meter tall and gray in color in different shades. Head and tail are darker, abdomen and beak are white, legs and webbed feet red. She has a red ring around the eyes, making them appear larger.

The Gull is found only in the Galapagos. There should be about 30,000 animals.

It hunts at night at sea and holding on during the day at their nest on the coast. The hunting intensity is particularly high and thus depends on the lunar cycle new moon. As an adaptation to night-time conditions, the eyes of the birds are particularly sensitive to light.

The Gull broods over the whole year, and just one egg.

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