Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service

Militära underrättelse -och säkerhetstjänsten (MUST; German: Military Intelligence and Security Service ) is the intelligence service of the Swedish Armed Forces. He reports directly to the Ministry of Defence and therefore the Minister of Defence.

MUST consists of two sections: The AND (of underrättelseverksamheten, German: news operation) is responsible for the intelligence service and the SÄK (of säkerhetsskyddet, German: safety protection), responsible for just military security. The AND obtains information for the decision finding the headquarters of the intelligence service and the Ministry of Defence. He also supplied the Swedish military forces at home and abroad with information. The SÄK deals among other things with the protection of military information and the identification and examination of persons.

Most secret part of the service is the KSI ( Kontoret promote Särskild inhämtning, German: office for special solicitations ), which is primarily responsible for recruiting agents.

MUST cooperates strongly with the other defense agencies, especially with the Försvarets radio Institution ( FRA ) ( German: Radio Establishment of Defence ), which is responsible for technical reconnaissance and surveillance. Head of MUST is currently Major General Stefan Kristiansson. The main part of the staff at MUST are officers, but the service has in comparison to other units within the Swedish Armed Forces has a relatively high proportion of civilian employees.
